Process & Output = Sustainable Result

Relationship Design is a co-creative and interactive process, that results in a specific and tangible output. Both elements, process and output, are essential and together deliver a sustainable result: your value-based and conflict-competent relationship. 

In short, the process is where the messy and deep work happens. We dive into motivations, needs, concerns etc, as well as creatively explore relationship and business formats. The output, a Relationship Blueprint, is a representation of the outcomes of this process. It is essential, as it gives parties clarity and a concrete reference point for building and maintaining their relationship, as well as for future use in contracting, strategy development and communications. 


The process of Relationship Design


The purpose of the Relationship Design (RD) process is the exploration and the design of the relationship. The process helps parties to uncover their motivations, needs, dreams, ideas, but also concerns, fears and misalignments. It makes space for creative conflict and co-creation. Using divergent and convergent thinking, as well as visual tools, it releases creativity to envision what “wants to be created together” and the relationship that is needed to get there. 

The process also brings transformation and skill-building, both personal as well as collective. Participants learn how to listen to themselves and the other, they get new insides about themselves and the other. Their perspective of the goals and collaboration might change. They learn the methods and tools of effective and empathetic communication, which will benefit them as their collaboration evolves in the future.


Relationship Design is a bespoke process, which can be adapted to the specific needs of our customers. Nevertheless, the main divergent - convergent structure is always the same. 

  1. Kick-off: we start by discussing expectations and goals for the upcoming RD process. This phase is important to build rapport and establish a commitment. 

  2. Exploration: we dive into “what is” to surface the motivations, needs, concerns and potential misalignments. Applying divergent thinking we explore possible solutions. This a non-linear, and at times messy part of the process.  

  3. Co-creation: once everything “is on the table” and potential solutions have been explored, we move into synthesising and making decisions. The clarity gained earlier helps to make the right choices for the relationship’s format and governance. 

  4. Consolidation:  in the final step we converge further to arrive at a specific and tangible output. We call it the Relationship Blueprint. It is summarises the process and describes the decisions made in a simple and approachable way. (read more below)


Yearly reviews

The only thing you really know for sure is that everything changes all the time. We believe it is necessary to review your design annually in order to assess whether your arrangements are still aligned with your individual needs and the needs of the business, partnership or collaboration.


Methods & Tools of Relationship Design


In Relationship Design we apply to two methodologies, MEDIATION and VISUAL THINKING, in parallel to each other. Additionally, whenever needed we include SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS, who complement the process with specialised knowledge, so informed decisions can be made.

This combination enables an explorative and structured process, which converges towards a resilient and trust-based relationship.

Mediation and Visual Thinking share a human-centred, iterative and interactive approach. 


Mediation uses communication and negotiation techniques to support parties in arriving at an optimal solution which meets the needs of everyone involved. The focus is on establishing open and honest communication, so implicit needs can be brought to the surface.


Visual Thinking uses visual facilitation and harvesting techniques to structure the outcome of free-flowing exploration and co-creation sessions. Participants remain in an open and creative mindset, as the visual harvester captures the process. The focus is on stimulating creative thinking so previously unknown solution can emerge. Using visuals increase awareness, adds a little beauty to the process and improves clarity, comprehension and communication.  


Are you curious about the people and experts behind RelationshipDesignStudio.

 The Relationship Blueprint


The output of our RD process is your Relationship Blueprint: a tangible representation of the needs expressed, clarity that was found and the commitments made. In theory it can take any format suitable (a document, a poster, a booklet …), as long as it supports clarity and alignment.


Regardless of the format, your Relationship Blueprint will be:

It gives the full picture of the motivations, needs, concerns, shared intentions and goals, as well as the governance model and conflict resolution strategy for the future. It provides all that is needed to build and maintain the relationship you have designed together.

It is easy to understand. We use simple language, that is inspired by your way of communicating, and visual content, that simplifies complex parts of your agreement.

It is easy to read. You receive a clean, functional and beautiful artefact. Something that you’ll want to read, use and maybe even hang on the wall.


From blueprint to contract.

If you have the need for a legally binding contract a lawyer will be involved in the RD process. Lawyers and Legal Designers in our network share our vision for a human-centred approach and will provide you with a contract that follows the RD principles of holistic, comprehensible and readable.


Curious to learn more?

We would love to have a conversation with you to understand if Relationship Design is a good match for your needs. Write or call and we’ll schedule an introduction call to explore how we can help you.